Karika Kenya

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Welcome to
Karika Kenya
at 20

KARIKA is an acronym of Kenyan Aged people Require Information, Knowledge & Advancement. This is a registered community based organization CBO, under the ministry of culture and social services in the year 2003, located in Dagoretti South Riruta location next to police station. 

Our Objectives

World elder abuse day
Objective 1
  • We mark and celebrate all older people international days.
  • We do community gatherings, theaters and drummers.
  • Print IEC materials e.g brochures, posters, T-shirts and banners etc.
  • We use media means to reach the unreached.
  • We do year ending parties and celebrate individual birthdays.
Celebrating International Women's Day 2021 - I Choose to Challenge
Objective 2
  • We do a lot in lobbying the Government.
  • We do forums and workshops on issues of older persons
  • We do short messages
  • Invites pro bono advocates, doctors, relevant Gok. Ministries, Researchers.
  • We do collection of data’s, fact finding, case study, print information materials e.g. fliers, posters and banners among others.
  • We do follow up on court cases.
Engaging the youths
Objective 3
  • We do age friendly income generating activities e.g. detergents/soap making, bead works and weaving activities.
  • We do resource mobilization, monitoring and Evaluation.
  • We do table banking
  • Group therapy, engage in story telling, singing and dancing. Educational tours,
  • We hold meetings where we bring youths together with the older persons for social justice education and mentorship (bridging the intergenerational gap).
  • One to one counseling and referrals.
Objective 4
  • We network and collaborate with all likeminded, in terms of the welfare of the older persons.
  • We host both local and international volunteers.
  • We promote internship.
Nutrition Support
Objective 5
  • We do basic home based care, nutritional support.
  • Distribute clothes kitchen necessities e.g. jikos, cooking pots, plates, cups. e.t.c.
  • We rescue and shelter the abused and abandoned older persons.
  • When one dies without any family support, or no one to claim, we facilitate burial expenses.
  • We promote educational support and memory book writing.

What you can do to Support Karika?

  • Adopt a Grandparent
  • Donate clothes
  • Donate funds for the feeding programme (€15 feeds 40 people)
  • Volunteer time to assist with teaching and training on sewing and tailoring
  • Donate equipment for example sewing machines, computers, mobile phones
  • Financial contributions
  • Provide housing/homes for the ageing
  • Pray for the beneficiaries of the programme
  • Sponsor a day out

Stories From Kenya

Susan Wambui Karanja

“My name is Susan Wambui Karanja. My age is 89 years now, my husband died long time ago. I am a beneficiary of Karika group. I got to know this group through a friend of mine who came to visit me in my house. She got me without food to eat and I had no tea to give her. As I was explaining her of my situation, she asked me if I know of a group that gives food to the older people at the chief’s camp. I said no then she directed me to go and find it myself. I joined the group in the year 2008 and I have benefited very much like the clothes that am wearing I got from the group. I have got blankets, food and when I fall sick they take me to the hospital.

Mary Wamari

“My name is Mary Wamari. I am 105 years old. I joined Karika in 2011. I have benefited a lot with clothes, food, spiritually and morally. In the group I used to do weaving and knitting. Am happy interracting with other people in the group, i would encourage others to join this group.


How we Work


We advocate for Ageing and HIV Aids Programme


We collaborate with organizations within and without the country to meet our joint objectives.

Capacity Building

We help develop capacity of the member organizations and the older people that we work with.


Got to Interact with THE RIRUTA FAMILY yesterday and got a glimpse of how they get to conduct their annual Community Feeding Program… Also Got to Visit KARIKA AGEING AND HIV/AIDS PROGRAM and they are doing an amazing job in making our aged elders feel included and not stigmatized.Will definitely go back and find out more about the program Next Year after our annual Golden Manger Event, We get to Join Riruta Family in feeding the Riruta Community and let me tell you I CANNOT WAITTTTT!!!

Nelly Njogu

Good evening Mr. Mwega(KARIKA). Happy new year! Huyuni Catherine. We met when I came to your organization to collect data for HelpAge international in 2020. I have had your number since then. We conducted key interviews and you welcomed us at your office. We later met again at BHOPA stakeholder meeting after the research was over. I was highly motivated with your work at KARIKA and I decided to follow your steps last year and started Agecare Foundation in my village In Muranga. Even though now am in Japan for PhD I have my people on the ground who we work together. I will be honored to connect with you once again and share a lot of what I am doing in KiharuMuranga. I will appreciate partnership with Karika as well. Thanks in advance.


Dear Elijah What an amazing eventI am So so pleased that we were invited and able to share with you thank You For everything you do for the older persons and for being the leader that you are in this space I just arrived in the country yesterday! I am so humbled by your inclusion into your event! It looks like an amazing function: I will however be in Naivasha. Cecelia and Martha will be in attendance and we will support you on the day I would like to help this older person

Sakila Sqoon

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